Everything has been possible thanks to donations from individuals and the efforts of companies from all over Spain
Since the serious health crisis of COVID 19 began, 3D printing has become a fundamental tool in the fight against the coronavirus. Tens of thousands of users of 3D printers have joined platforms that have focused all their efforts on the manufacture of protection elements for health personnel and the security forces.
But this effort has an economic cost that we can all contribute to alleviating. Thus, through our website https://it3d.com/en/ anonymous individuals and companies have made donations acquiring their Solidarity Packs. These Packs are transformed into filaments and material that 3D printers need for their purpose.
In this way and during these last two weeks, from IT3D we have been able to send filaments to the Makers Platforms in Sagunto, Valencia / Burjassot, Alcorcón, Seville, Lleida, Burgos, Mérida….
In addition, and thanks to the donations made by companies and the own effort of some official IT3D distributors in their fight against COVID19, we have sent 3D printers that will join the effort to print protective material against COVID 19 to cities like Madrid. , Navalcarnero or Tudela
Thanks to all of you who are making it possible for this battle to be won by all of us.